It's quine o'clock
I’ve recently stumbled upon a javascript quine clock. I had some spare time, which I’ve put into a similar code in Python:
import re;exec(q:=re.sub(chr(27)+'...','','''import time;((
r:="import re;exec(q:=re.sub(chr(27)+'...','',%s%s%s))" % (
chr(39)*3,q,chr(39)*3))and [(t:=time.strftime('%I:%M:%S') )
and((x:=z%60)or 1) and((y:=z//60)or 1) and((c:=r[x+y*60])
or 1)and print(f'{chr(27)}[7m{c}{chr(27)}[0m' if((( x%7!=1)
and 0 <x<57 and y> 1)and(int(('ODREG4' 'MW7O2VELPO27OGFE'
3+((x-2)%7)//2))))else c,end='')for z in range(9*60-1)] and
print('')); # Even a broken code is quine twice a day.'''))
It should work with Python 3.8 onwards, which outputs something similar to this:
The above code runs, but it doesn’t run (as clocks should do). So here’s an animated version that may make you tick:
import re;exec(q:=re.sub(chr(27)+'...','','''import time;((
r:="import re;exec(q:=re.sub(chr(27)+'...','',%s%s%s))"%((S
end=''))or[(t:=time.strftime('%I:%M:%S'))and((x:=z%60) | 1)
and((y:=z//60)|1)and(c:=r[x+y*60])and print(end=( f'{E}[7m'
f'{c}{E}[0m')if(x%7!=1 and 0<x<57 and y>1 and(int(('ODREG4'
,36)&(1<<((y-2)*3+((x-2)%7)//2))))else c)for z in range(539
)]and(print()or time.sleep(1))for _ in iter(int,1)]) #'''))